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Repository Universitas Harapan Bangsa.
Digital collection of academic papers, undergraduate thesis, research

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Characteristics of asthmatic subjects and Sensitization Profiles of Indonesian subjects to allergens the Most of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

Rahmaya Nova Handayani - Personal Name
Faisal Yunus - Personal Name
Ermita Isfandiary Ibrahim - Personal Name
Iris Rengganis - Personal Name
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab
Lampiran Berkas
Tahun Terbit
Tempat Terbit
Deskripsi Fisik


Background: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that is a serious health problem in the world. Skin prick test (SPT) is the most effective diagnostic test to detect IgE mediated type I allergic reactions This study aims This study aims to identify characteristic of subject asthma and non asthma and how to describe to prevalence SPT.
Methods: The study design is an observational research methods. All sample was 138 people consisting 108 an asthmatic patient and 30 not asthma based on anamnesis than 30 a person, not asthma , but have allergy history/rhinitis 9 people and 21 people, not asthma not having allergy history/rhinitis. The kind of allergen were Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p), Dermatophagoides ferinea (Der f) and Blomia Tropicalis (Blot t) with 5 µl (Stallergen).
Results: The characteristic of subject there were a total of 24 men and 114 women. Of the 24 men, 87.5% had asthma and 12.5% did not have asthma, as well as 114 women, 76.3% had asthma and 23.6% had no asthma, The most common ages were over 18-44 as much as 7.2%, 45-67 years as much as 8.3%, 65-74 years as much as 8.6%, the occupation, the majority of subjects were housewives as many as 56 research subjects (96,6%) more than non asthma was 3,4%. the highest education level was with a diploma and above as much as 65,7% more than non asthma 34,3%. BMI in the normal category as many as 65 subjects (52%) more than non asthma were 60 subjects (48%), the subjects who have a higher number of positive for allergens are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p 1) 68,3%, Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f 1) 60,7% and Blomia tropicalis (Blot t) 70,4%.
Conclusion: Many influencing the characteristic of subject in asthmatif and Der p the most sensitization in allergy in Indonesian

Keywords: Characteristic of subject, sensitization, allergen

APA Citation
Rahmaya Nova Handayani. (). Characteristics of asthmatic subjects and Sensitization Profiles of Indonesian subjects to allergens the Most of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. (Digital collection of academic papers, undergraduate thesis & research). Retrieved from

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